

Have you ever been told that

Some of these statements feel like a downer, but on the flip side of things, it is your doorway to discovering who you are. I have been on a journey of self-discovery. This journey has not only helped me to embrace my uniqueness but has assisted me in navigating the various relationships around me. Life is busy and can seem complex, but it is fun, educative and fulfilling when done right.

At the Roundcubeink, we understand different, we know boundaries, and we get what it means to be valued and accepted. We will give you tips on how to find answers to your relationship queries.E.g.;

1. How to be a good friend, coworker or family member.
2. How to discover who you are
3. How to discover what makes you special and unique
4. How to enjoy your relationships at home, school and work
5. How to relate with the in-laws
6. What to do with relationship fails
7. How to begin a relationship well
8. The basics of how, when and where to find your soul mate.

Join me as I continue my journey in some form of prose. My books, blogs and videos explore and celebrate relationships based on the things I have learned growing up while interacting with the world. Not all has been positive, but definitely, it has led to me becoming a healthier version of myself.

Thank you for taking this journey with me.

Dr Debbie

What We Do

So many things in this life can threaten our existence. Some challenges might leave experiences like an ink stain that refuses to come out, but much like an ink stain on your favorite fabric, there is always a specialized way to remove it if you take it to the right person.

At the Round Cube Ink, we are here to help you navigate those areas of your life that make you want to give up your identity, thus getting thrust into mindful chaos.

Every problem has a solution, even if it means just being quietly patient as you wait for the answer to locate you. We are here for you.

About The Round Cube Ink

Our Mission

To inspire healthier relationships by connecting one’s unique potential to their purpose. We are all uniquely different, but yet we have so much in common. No matter our nationality or our upbringing, we all want to belong and feel loved. The journey through life is all about enjoying various interactions that lead to what is called LIFE.  We are here to give you tips and guide you towards the resources that could help you discover your potential and purpose.

You can rely on us to help you navigate situations in your life that threaten to destroy your sense of self

So many things in this life can threaten our existence. Some challenges might leave experiences like an ink stain that refuses to come out, but much like an ink stain on your favorite fabric, there is always a specialized way to remove it if you take it to the right person.


At the Round Cube Ink, we are here to help you navigate those areas of your life that make you want to give up your identity, thus getting thrust into mindful chaos.

Every problem has a solution, even if it means just being quietly patient as you wait for the answer to locate you. We are here for you.

Our Core Values

When you know why you relate, you will learn how to connect.





